Friday, December 18, 2009

my chistmas break

Over my break I was supposed to go on vacation to my farm up north but now I really can’t because first of all I have wrestling practice all throughout the break which I think is pretty stupid because people go on vacation over break and if we don’t go to practice then we will get in trouble with the coach and then you probably wont wrestle. Another reason why we cant go on vacation is cause I just recently broke my collar bone so if I do go I cant do anything up there so there is no point in going now. So I’m not really sure what I will be doing over break. I will probably just hang out with my friends and like go to the movies and stuff like that. I will probably end up going Christmas shopping cause I haven’t gone shopping yet. The only problem with that is that I have no money to go shopping so I will have to like go with my grandma or something. I hope that I have been good this year cause I want presents. Who doesn’t. On Christmas day I will probably go to my uncles house to see him and my cousin cause that what we do every year. Normally we open presents first thing in the morning and then we just try and figure out how our new stuff works and then we go to my cousins house then we get a few things from them and then we make a huge Christmas dinner and eat the whole thing then we just like play games and play with our new things and then by that time its usually like 10 at night and we are all tired and then we just go home and go to bed so all and all its one of the best days ever.

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